
Remember Me Prologue and Ch. 1

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I walked outside, not caring about the pitch black night. Only the stars and moonlight guided me as I walked up the stony ledge.
He was gone. And that was all that mattered. Not if he had lived or if he had died.
He was gone.
He’ll never be the same.
I’ll never be the same.
It’s my fault. All my fault.
I kept telling myself these things as I climbed the ledge. When I reached the top, I sat down, to remember. To remember all of the things that lead to this…
And then wait for my fate to be decided.
At the top of the ledge, there was a patch of wildflowers. Each one with 4 petals, so delicate, white and pure.
Pure… if only I could be like that again…

Chapter 1
February 12th, 2025
The day I first met him… I had just gotten back from Europe with a failed forensics proficiency test under my arm. My dream had been ruined, and I was stuck as a homicide detective for Criminal Affairs. I was in an explosive mood, which only went from bad to worse when He walked in.
He gave off an air of arrogance, and he had fan girls trailing after him.
“Glimmerous Fop” I muttered under my breath. He was laughing and flirting with the women, until he walked past my office. He stopped the giggling and turned to look at me. I had dried mascara tears under my eyes and I must’ve looked like a lost puppy.
“Why hello there Fraulein” He smiled wide to show off his pearly teeth, “What do you want? An autograph? A picture?” He grabbed a test tube out of the bag that was resting on my hip and pulled a sharpie out of his pocket. He scrawled something on the tube and placed it in my hands.
“There. Now what is your name, Fraulein?” he lightly flipped his platinum blonde hair out of his eyes and winked to the trailing fan girls. I quickly glanced at the name on the test tube and then shoved him out the door.
“Ema Skye.” I growled. Before he could reply, I slammed the door shut and locked it.
Unfortunately, I didn’t realize that I loved him until it was too late.
The next day, he strutted back into my office. Klavier Gavin I thought as I rolled my eyes at the Glimmerous Fop. I scowled and looked back down at my paperwork.
“Fraulein Skye, I thought you would like a snack” He smiled and handed me a bag of tootsie-roll shaped snacks. The bag its self was clear, except for an obnoxious red label screaming ‘SNACKOOS!’. I tossed the bag onto my desk, making a large thud and knocking my coffee over.
“May I ask what the hell you are doing in my office?” I growled. He blinked, as if he was oblivious to my anger about him being there. He smiled and placed a hand on my coffee soaked desk.
“I am here to bring you a snack. Ja?” He was about to come closer, but I yanked the collar of his shirt and brought him to my face.
“Listen… you… you… Glimmerous Fop! I want to know why the hell you would drive in rush hour traffic to give me a bag of fucking snacks.” I yelled. Steam was almost pouring out of my ears as I shoved him backwards. He just chuckled and put the bag back into my hands.
“You’ll like them Fraulein” He smiled.
“Mr. Gavin…” I began.
“Call me Klavier” He corrected and placed a Foppish hand on my shoulder, which I shrugged off.
“Mr. Gavin” I began again, “I appreciate the thought but…”
“Don’t say anything now. Meet me tonight at the diner and tell me what you think then.” He placed a note on my sticky desk and strutted out the door. I stared down at the bag of… Snackoos… and ripped the back open. What looked like brown packing peanuts flew over the already coffee covered desk. There were still a couple left in the bag, so I picked one up and ate it. It wasn’t that great, but there was something that made me want more.
“Damn Fop” I mumbled as I tossed the empty bag in the trash. He may be a rock star, but there was no way I would eat dinner with a Fop like Klavier.
So I didn’t show up.
And that was strike one.

I plucked a flower from the rocky dirt.
“One goodbye” I whispered as I tore a snow-white petal off. I held it between my fingers for a second before releasing it into the wind. It fluttered and floated like a tiny butterfly.
Klavier would’ve liked that… I thought, but then I stopped myself from continuing on that train.
You can’t think about him. It’ll only make it harder…
But I still kept thinking.
Prologue and chapter one of my new fanfic, which I wrote all of today.

and my hands are cramping, but I got the idea in study hall (XD I accidentily typed study Hell first) and it really just stuck. so I wrote the first 3 chapters on the back of old math notes, then I typed it up.

It's an Apollo Justice fic, well, a KlavierXema fic...

anyways, I don't own anything except the storyline of the fic. (more here: [link])

Please comment if you read it. :)
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